
Eileen Morrow 1 , Jennifer Harris 2 , Yael Gelfer 3 , John Cashman 4 , Alpesh Kothari 5 ; FOOTT-UK Collaborators. Health-related Quality of Life in Idiopathic Toe Walkers: A Multicenter Prospective Cross-sectional Study. J Pediatr Orthop 2024 Apr 1;44(4):e357-e360.
Luckshman Bavan 1 , Nicholas Eastley 2 , Jonathan Stevenson 2 3 , Maximillian Mifsud 1 , Lee Bayliss 4 , Shady Mahmoud 1 , Gavin Baker 5 , Laurence Cusick 5 , Rebecca Nail 6 , Kenneth Rankin 6 , Sophie Crooks 7 , Paul Cool 7 8 , Derfel Williams 7 , Georgios Kandarakis 9 , Roderick Duncan 9 , Alpesh Kothari 1 ; ABC Study Group. Aneurysmal bone cysts: A UK wide tumor center experience. J Surg Oncol 2024 Mar;129(3):601-608.
Eileen M Morrow 1 2 , Alpesh Kothari 1 2 ; Oxford University Hospitals Paediatric Orthopaedic Multidisciplinary Team. Walk a mile in these AFOs: A response to Zaino et al. Prosthet Orthot Int 2023 Oct 1;47(5):447-448
P Biolatto, A Kothari, J Masquijo. Risco de lesão neurovascular durante a fixação com parafuso de fraturas da tuberosidade da tíbia em pacientes pediátricos e adolescents. Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia, 2023 58 (6)
Uhan J, Kothari A, Zavatsky A, Stebbins J. Using surface markers to describe the kinematics of the medial longitudinal arch. Gait Posture. 2023 May;102:118-124.
J Harris, Y Gelfer, J Cashman, A Eyre-Brook, A Kothari Current management of idiopathic toe-walking gait in children and young people in the UK: a cross-Sectional survey to reflect physiotherapists’ and surgeons’ perspective. Journal of Surgery, 2022
Kothari A, Jeffery J, Buckingham R, Wainwright A, Theologis T. How parents feel when their child’s operation is delayed – Their experience during the pandemic.
Bence M, Kothari A, Handley R, Trompeter A. Percutaneous strain reduction screws are a cost effective and reproducible method to treat long bone nonunion. J Orthop Trauma 2022 Sep 1;36(9):e343-e348
Masquijo J, Parikh S, Kothari A. Evaluation of the optimal femoral fixation site for medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction in the skeletally immature patient. Orthopedics 2023 Mar-Apr;46(2):108-113.
Morrow E, Theologis T, Kothari A. Construction and validation of sham insoles used in clinical trials: A systematic review. Prosthet Orthot Int 2022 Apr 1;46(2):121-133.
Kothari A, Kelley S, Bouchard M. A re-examination of the patterns of foot and ankle deformities in congenital limb deficiencies. J Limb Lengthen Reconstr 2021 June 7(1):26-30
Pavone V, Ganci M, Papotto G, Mobilia G, Sueri U, Kothari A, Vescio A, Testa G. Locked Intramedullary Nailing versus Compression Plating for Stable Ulna Fractures: A Comparative Study. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2021 May 26;6(2):46. doi: 10.3390/jfmk6020046
Bavan L, Wijendra A, Kothari A. Efficacy of treatment interventions for primary aneurysmal bone cysts: A systematic review. Bone Jt Open. 2021 Feb;2(2):125-133. doi: 10.1302/2633-1462.22.BJO-2020-0168.
Kothari A, Noor S, Maddock C, Vanderstappen J, Bradley C, Kelley S. The lateral edge and sourcil acetabular indices for surgical decision-making in developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Child Orthop 2020 Dec 14(6):513-520
Kothari A, Masquijo J. Surgical treatment of tarsal coalitions in children and adolescents. EFORT Open Rev. 2020 Feb; 5(2):80-89.
Masters J1, Metcalfe D1, Parsons NR2, Achten J1, Griffin XL1, Costa ML1; WHiTE Collaborative Investigators. Collaborators (33) Lopez D, Hull P, Richardson R, Smith G, Clarke A, Eardley W, Howard D, Davison J, Beghum R, McNamara I, Hutchinson R, Reed M, Das A, Ollivere B, Martin A, Handley B, Lord B, Ghande A, Kothari A, McAndrew A, Burchette D, Rogers B, Killen MC, Fearon P, Bassett J, Acharya M, Sahemey R, Burton R, Dixon P, Henning S, Young J, Kulkarni K, Clark C. Bone Joint J. 2019 Oct;101-B(10):1292-1299. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.101B10.BJJ-2019-0213.R1. Interpreting and reporting fracture classification and operation type in hip fracture: implications for research studies and routine national audits.
Zavatsky A, Paik A, Leitch J, Kothari A, Stebbins J. Comparison of hindfoot axes of a multi-segment foot model to underlying bony anatomy. J. Biomech. 2019 Aug; 93:34-41.
Masquijo J, Kothari A. Juvenile osteochondritis dissecans (JOCD) of the knee: current concepts review. EFORT Open Rev. 2019 May; 4(5):201-212.
Kothari A, Monk P, Handley R. Percutaneous Strain Reduction Screws-A Safe and Simple Surgical Option for Problems With Bony Union. A Technical Trick. J Orthop Trauma 2019 Apr; 33(4):e151-e157
Lloyd T, Duncan J, Kothari A, Elkhouly A, Davies N. The Oxford Spherical Mill for Metaphyseal
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Maddock CL, Noor S, Kothari A, Bradley CS, Kelley S. Reliability of the sourcil method of acetabular index measurement in developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Child Orthop 2019 Apr 13(2):167-171
Kothari A, Bhuva S, Stebbins J, Zavatsky AB, Theologis T. An investigation into the aetiology of flexible flatfeet: the role of subtalar joint morphology. Bone Joint J. 2016 Apr;98-B(4):564-8.
Kothari A, Grammatopoulos G, Hopewell S, Theologis T. How Does Bony Surgery Affect Results of Anterior Open Reduction in Walking-age Children With Developmental Hip Dysplasia? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016;474(5):1199-208.
Grammatopoulos G, Wales J, Kothari A, Wainwright A, Gill R, Theologis T. What Is the Early/Midterm Survivorship and Functional Outcome After Bernese Periacetabular Osteotomy in a Pediatric Surgeon Practice? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016;474(5):1216-23.
Kothari A, Dixon P Stebbins J, Zavatsky A, Theologis T. Are flexible flat feet associated with proximal joint problems in children? Gait & Posture. 2016;45:204-10.
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Kothari A, Dixon P, Stebbins J, Zavatsky A, Theologis T. Motion analysis to track navicular displacements in the paediatric foot: Relationship with foot posture, body mass index and flexibility. Foot & Ankle Int. 2014 Sept;35(9):929-37.
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Howard D, Howard A, Kothari A, Wales L, Guest M, Davies A. The role of superficial venous surgery in the management of venous ulcers: a systematic review. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2008 Oct,48(40):1066.
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